
Here you'll find the same resources we've built over time to work with our clients.

  • Illustration

    Calculator: Should You Run That Promo?

    Excel Sheet

    A simple way to find out if, by running a discount promo without segmentation, you're making money or losing it. HINT: 9/10 times, discounts don't work. This calculator uses your margins, transactions, and costs, and tells you the number of additional transactions you require to at least break-even.

  • Illustration

    Calculator: Reviews Rating

    Excel Sheet

    Ever wondered how many reviews you need to reach a goal? Don't look any further. With this tool, you will be able to know exactly how many reviews you need to reach the rating number you're aiming for. Works for any platform.

  • Illustration

    Template: 90-Day Sprint

    Excel Sheet

    Here's the exact same template we follow during our initial 90 days working with a new customer. It covers the basics of what you should be focusing on. Now, don't get fooled, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

  • Illustration

    Tool: 39-Points Self Audit (PDF)


    Use this tool to see for yourself where you stand in the Marketing Optimization Basic we cover with our customers. There are 39 questions, each one explaining why it is important.